You see the same thing over and over again and eventually it ceases to be anything special, whether it be a sunset into the ocean, a view from a mountaintop, or even a very cool paint job. I've been looking at Twin Otters painted in cool and unusual ways for so long that they've become background noise - literally. I pay them no attention other than as a way to get to altitude. Then someone to whom it's still new and fresh sees the view, and suddenly you realize that "Yeah, that is pretty cool!"
A friend from the Invasion saw the picture of the otter taxiing past my window and commented how much she liked the Shark painted on the side. The next day as I walked out to the plane I viewed it in a whole new light, and this morning I walked out to the end of the runway to see if I could get some good pictures. I don't know if the pilot saw me there or not, but either way, I have a pretty good idea how Roy felt when that shark came bearing down on him. I shoulda' stood further to the side!
And then the Skyhawks started learning how to do CRW while dust devils a few hundred feet across were going past the landing area. I decided to take a day off and go wash my bike.
And then the Skyhawks started learning how to do CRW while dust devils a few hundred feet across were going past the landing area. I decided to take a day off and go wash my bike.