Saturday, July 8, 2006

"If we build it, they will come" So said Baseomatic

Still flush with adrenaline after helping to set a new Canadian record for the Largest Formation Skydive (59), I sent this out to all the participants on my return

"If we build it, they will come" So said Baseomatic
They built it, we came, and a whole bunch of type A personalities who
normally all want to head off in their own direction, all went to the same
place, at the same time, and a new record was set. Thanks to everyone for
letting me take part. A special thanks to Bruce for putting my name forward,
to Guy for showing me how, and to Christian for some fine tuning that helped
me pull it off.
Some thoughts and observations:
1 TK is one BIG sonofabitch!
2 I actually can dive like hell, and fly like fuck!
3 Dianne will do anything for beer. I have video if anybody wants proof.
4 Garth never misses a line or a snappy comeback.
5 Being sober doesn't help. I still can't sing.
6 Rhonda may or may not be crazy, I'm hardly one to judge. It's not
important. She's a great skydiver, a lot of fun, and is probably only a
danger to herself.
7 Sherry is a pyromaniac - she doesn't just light fires, she sets them.
8 Shelly has a very nice pussy
9 It's easy to navigate to a place that serves alcohol, but not always easy
to navigate back. Turn left at the next right.
10 It's true - Guy Wright can herd cats.
11 To quote Ross "I know the coolest people on the planet"
I've attached a photo of the formation from a somewhat different angle, and
leave you with one question: 80-way anyone?
Crazy Larry, C-3082, Proud Member of Team Canada 2006

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