Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's good to have friends

Once I had put the finishing touches on my plan for Total World Domination of 4-Way, I turned to more serious matters and finally finished off the registration page I had started a month ago for the Motorcycle Ride For Dad. It's a fund raising motorcycle ride to raise money for Prostate Cancer Research to be held on Saturday June 8th. Part of it included having to write and email out an appeal to all my friends and family asking them to donate. I have given to many causes over many years, but this is the first time ever that I've been the one asking for donations. Part of the reason I had delayed writing it was because I was intimidated by the thought of asking my friends for money. I finally started writing it half an hour ago and the words just flowed out onto the page. One draft, no changes. Here it is.

I’m biding my time, just waiting to get Cancer. Most people who know me have no idea that it runs in my family, that my father and his father before him were both stricken with Prostate Cancer, and that means the odds are I’m going to get it as well. With my grandfather it was caught early, he lived with it for 25 years before he finally died of old age. My father wasn’t so lucky. This year I will be taking part in the Ottawa Motorcycle Ride For Dad to raise money for Prostate Cancer research. I’ve been told by many people who have taken part in previous rides that it’s a lot of fun, being part of a parade of thousands of motorcycles rolling through city and countryside, all the different types of personalities and their machines brought together for a common cause. That’s not why I’m doing it.

I’m doing it for my Dad.
I’m doing it for myself.
I’m doing it for all my friends who will one day find themselves sitting across from a doctor getting the news that……..

Please click the link below and make a pledge to help fund the needed research.

I mailed it out to half the names in my address book, and in less than a minute there were pledges totaling $400. It's good to have friends.

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