Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Skydivers, unlimited Tequila, and Toga's.

What could possibly go wrong?
It's not like we're doing CRW!

The attached pictures are not suitable for all viewers.
In fact, one of them is not suitable for viewing by anybody. I include it out of a sense of duty in an attempt to convey the depths of depravity to which a human being can sink. The sender accepts no responsibility for any
trauma, mental, emotional, or spiritual, that may be suffered by anyone
viewing these photos. View at your own risk. All tattoos were applied by

I would like to further state that no Skydivers were injured during the
taking of these photos. But that would be a lie. At the height of the
festivities, one of the party-goers, well fortified by Margaritas, dropped
his toga, charged across the patio of the Tiki Bar, and threw himself over
the railing into the lake. One problem. There was another deck the other
side of the railing. The railing was immediately lined with Skydivers taking
pictures of the poor sod as he curled up into a ball on the unexpected
obstruction, ten feet below, barely conscious. It looked like the Paparazzi
at a Britney Spears wedding. Did I mention he was naked?

He suffered no permanent injuries, but he does have the longest bruise I
have ever seen. His entire side from shoulder to ankle, and it's the
prettiest colors. I'll try and get a picture when he's not covered in ice

6 Jumps today, weather came in and there were some problems with manifest.

But I have discovered Effen Vodka. And it's pretty Effin Good!
The adventure continues...........

I see Skydivers. They're everywhere!

One of the first people I ran into at registration in Shannonville was
Patrick from Nouvel Air. His girlfriend Sonia was there with her own racing
machine, that's her rear wheel I'm catching up to in the pic.

FAST was a BLAST, as expected. The morning sessions went well, and I was
running even with Jamie, another guy in my group, for fastest lap times. It
started raining just as we broke for lunch and I figured we were done for
the day which is when they started issuing rainsuits. My group kinda put
their heads together and we decided we'd see how it went for the first 2
groups before we decided if we were going to go out on the track as it was
really pouring by then. The first groups seemed to be going awfully fast,
scary fast in fact, and we all agreed that we were not going to go anywhere
near as quick as they were. When it was our turn we started off slow, and I
didn't notice that our instructors were gradually picking up the pace. It
wasn't until Lap 6 as I came screaming down the big straightaway in front of
the grandstand and started to set up for turn 1 that I realized we were
going about 150 kilometers an hour in the pouring rain and I was having FUN!

I slid off the seat and leaned in hard for the turn, rolling on even more
throttle as I was passing Kent on the inside when he went just a little wide
and I saw an opening. As I came out of the turn I passed Jamie and his
GSX-R. Problem was, I didn't pass them simultaneously. First I passed Jamie,
spread-eagle like a starfish, spinning on his back as he slid up the track,
shredded pieces of rainsuit trailing out behind him. A second or two later I
caught up to the bike, spinning on it's side, trailing shredded pieces of
plastic, fiberglass, and various assorted footpegs, shifters and handles.

As I drew abreast it disappeared off the track and vanished in a fountain of
mud and turf. Two thoughts flashed through my mind.: "I hope he bought the
extra insurance." and "Now I'm the fastest guy on the track!"

I started setting up for turn 2, my entire body off the seat, head up,
steering with the inside arm, outside arm relaxed, leaning in, calculating,
analyzing, aiming for the perfect turning point - apex - exit point, and
right into turn 3, pushing it well beyond what I would under normal
circumstances, secure in the knowledge that "It can't happen to Me!". In the
pouring rain.

Jamie was fine. He sat out the next round, and after paying the $250
deductible was back out on the track for the rest of the afternoon.

I got my comeuppance later in the day going into turn 5 when I ran out of
track and went splashing through the mud as the wall of tires came at me.
Despite my doing everything wrong, I managed to get the thing stopped a
couple of feet short of the wall, and returned to the Pits to be set upon by
a laughing group of Instructors armed with push broom, scrub brushes. and
buckets. After they cleaned the tires off they sent me back out with the
admonition " Take it easy on the next lap, they're probably going to be
slippery". Slippery? On turns 5 and 6 I was already spending more time
trying to dodge the machines that were going sideways headed for the
MotoCross Zone than I spent driving my own bike. What the heck did they mean
by slippery?

Anyway, I survived the day, and now I know how to drive really FAST in the

Spent the night at Jean Hickmans place in Barrie, and after dinner we drank
large amounts of red wine as we watched skydiving videos late into the
night. Thanks for all your hospitality Jean, and I look forward to returning
the favor.

The drive took much longer than expected, in addition to the expected delay
in customs, I got stuck in traffic on the 401 and it took 2 1/2 hours to
cover 10 kilometers. I was stationary for so long I put the laptop on the
passenger seat and started editing pictures. When I finally passed the
accident they were loading the burnt-out skeletons of a couple of tractor
trailers onto flatbeds and into dump trucks using a crane and a front-end
loader. No matter how bad my day might go, somebody else's has already gone
a lot worse.

Finally reached Skydive Chicago on Friday night just after sunset. Man, this
place is HUGE! I got lost in the trailer park looking for Kelly and couldn't
find my way out. In addition to a huge covered packing area there's a
restaurant, Tiki Bar located next to the man made lake filled with regularly
filtered water, pro shop, WiFi, showers, laundry, and more.

Without Matt to egg me on I've been doing a pretty relaxed pace, 22 jumps in
3 days. There are 2 Twin Otters flying up to 30 loads a day each, plus a
Casa doing a dozen more. They're doing 100 to 130 Tandems a day. I've
already inquired about work when I retire. Larry and Joanne arrived
yesterday, and it's a good party so far, but Matt1 Matt2 and Bob are greatly

It's now Monday night and I'm getting ready to head over to the Flying
Hellfish Toga Party. Phil says he'll lend me a sheet he stole from an
ambulance. I'm afraid to ask for details.

In short, I'm having no fun at all. And Gerry, the next time I go anywhere,
you are the first person I'm going to invite.

I'll send pics of the Toga party when I get the chance
Crazy Larry

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Off And Crawling Like A Herd Of Turtles

It's that time of year again, when a young mans fancy turns to thoughts

I've just finished a last minute, warp speed blast around town on the FZ,
including a half-hour tearing up the Eastern Ramps seeking new limits in the
delicate balance of the laws of physics, gravity, traction, horsepower, and
acceleration, and as soon as I finish this and hit send, I'm OUTA HERE!

Vacation at last!

When most of you receive this I should be headed west at a dangerous and
unsafe rate of speed, stereo pounding to 70's and 80's rock and roll as I
careen down the 401 to Summerfest in Chicago, and you are all invited to
come with me. I promise to get you there, but my plans are kinda fluid so
you might have to get back on your own. Seriously, the offer is there.

I packed 3 tents so this time I shouldn't run out of tents before God runs
out of storms, a coupla' sets of gear, coolers, tarps, even more electronics
than last time, cash cash and more cash, and of course, lots and lots of
Smirnoff Ice. Having too much Vodka is like having too much fun, it just
isn't possible.

I'll sleep in the truck tonight, spend Thursday on the track in
Shannonville - Fast Riding School Phase II - stay at Jean's place in Barrie
on Thursday night, continue on to Chicago on Friday morning, and be jumping
by mid-afternoon.

I promise to drive fast and take chances, remembering that there are TWO
miles of ditches for every ONE mile of road, that danger never takes a
break, and that if things go bad that none of those yahoos I'll be jumping
with is gonna have to explain to my mother why I'm not coming home. (If it
come to that, Kevin, you can have the bike, Cathy the kitchen, Dan the
creepers, Al, go ahead and move in for as long as you want, and everybody
can come over and drink all the booze, there's plenty to go around). I
further promise to always use the appropriate safety equipment, and to watch
out for my friends, as I know they will watch out for me. All the while
keeping in mind my favorite Matt1 quote, "I don't think my helmet's thick
enough for this Skydive'.

All kidding aside, I fully expect to return in more or less the condition in
which I left. No doubt bruised and battered, scraped and scratched, feeling
every day of my 48 1/2 years, considerably poorer, but richer with new
friendships, and old ones renewed.

Many of the usual knuckleheads will not be joining us this year, and for the
first time since 2002 I know going in I'm gonna do more jumps in Illinois
than Matt. Ha! I win!

For the return trip, whenever that happens, I have programmed the address of
every Canadian and U.S. drop zone between Ottawa Illinois, and Ottawa
Ontario into the GPS, and will try and hit as many as possible on the way.
Unless Donald calls in which case I shall head for St. Esprit to Tandem my
ass off and get PAID to Skydive. It so sucks to be me.

I'm half tempted to drop by and pay for Dana to take me for a Tandem just
for sport. It would be fun to have her clip on, then stand up, and carry her
to the plane.

Consider yourself warned Ross: Farnham is dangerously close, and I might
have a few days to kill.

For that matter, Beth and Tim might want to think about checking to see
who's there before they answer the door, everywhere within a couple thousand
miles is within my reach.

In any case I shall be back for August 12th. Unless of course the staff
finally takes the hint and decides to use those matches I handed out to all
of them on my way out the door this morning. They are under standing orders
that if they smell smoke, they are to leave quietly, locking the door behind
them, and rather than calling the Fire Department, to call me and tell me
it's not necessary for me to return. And I shall continue merrily on my way,
skydiving through the insurance money.

If there's anybody down Toronto way who wants to tag along, call my cell at
613-853-2794, leave a message, and I'll pick you up as I pass through on
Friday. If not, well you can't say you never got invited!

Crazy Larry, C-3082, Coach II, Tandem Instructor, SSI (pending), PL-97, Muff
967, Skydog 156, Flying Hellfish 476, Dirty Sanchez 382.