Sunday, March 15, 2009

I had no idea so many people were up on their geography

I would like to take this oppourtunity to apologize to all those who took
exception to the fact that I called Newfoundland a Maritime province. A
great many people have pointed out that while it is an Atlantic province,
the Maritimes are comprised of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward

But just for the record, I'll bet the Maritimes were just as upset at having
Newfoundland lumped in with them.

They didn't have enough people to send the first load up until almost noon
today. I didn't even bother to manifest, and was getting ready to get on the
bike and go when TK called for a few volunteers to help him get a solar
panel up on the roof at his house. It only took a few minutes, and when we
were done he turned us loose on his orange and grapefruit trees and in a few
minutes we had stripped them bare. I'd hardly even seen an orange tree
before, and it was fun to sit in the branches peeling a freshly plucked
orange. I left with a whole sack of them.

I decided to set out for Deland and drop in on Gilles and Teresa. About
halfway there I had to stop for gas. (The fuel stops on this trip seem to be
providing an endless source of entertainment) Just as I started to pull my
helmet back on a drop-dead gorgeous blond-haired blue-eyed 10 out of 10 BABE
came out of the store and walked past me. She was the type every male stops
whatever he is doing to look at, and every woman loves to hate.
"Nice Bike." she said as she passed by.

"Thank you." I said, reflexively drawing myself up to full height, sucking
in my gut and puffing out my chest while trying to return my hairline back
to where it started 20 years ago through sheer force of will.

"My Grand-dad drives one just like it." she said over her shoulder as she
moved away.

Prick, Psssssssssssst, Kaboom. That's the sound of my ego being punctured,
deflating, and crashing back to earth. "Out of the Mouths of Babes....."

The Muff Brothers Reunion Boogie starts this morning. (Saturday) I think
I'll finally get my gear and go get on a plane, jumping with those clowns is
always good for some laughs. They seem to share a motto with Homer Simpson:
"Trying is the first step towards failure." Nathalie arrives tonight, and
then we're off to Miami tomorrow night, and then the Keys the following day.
It's 80 degrees farenheit, the winds are light, planes are full and flying,
and it's time to go have an air bath.

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