Monday, August 3, 2009

What In The Wide Wide World of Sports.....?

"What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is going on here?"
Mel Brooks - in Blazing Saddles

Competition started yesterday with 9 teams entered in 4-way FS. And we're
sick. 3/4 Of the team has a cold. Josee is the only one not sick, and the
cameraman is as always, hovering safely above the burble. Nathalie is by far
the worst, coughing and hacking most of the night, and we are so pumped full
of various cold, cough, and sinus remedies we're joking that we should have
T shirts saying "Sponsored by Sudafed, Bayer, Pfizer, and Robitussin". At
least we're still joking. Not only that, we're holding our own and then
some. After 4 rounds yesterday we have a solid hold on 3rd place behind
Evolution and Tropical Fish. All we have to do is stick with the plan. Slow
and steady, take the safe moves, use the exits we know, and protect our
standing. In other words, everything will be fine as long as we don't do
anything stupid. We're on a 20 minute call to do our first jump of the day
and will probably do our last 6 jumps today. If our sinuses hold out.

And we're ahead of a team with matching suits

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